For being such a great father
For being such a good instructor
For being such an enthusiastic advisor
For being such an enduring listener
For being such a dedicated motivator
For being such a defensive protector
Thank you…
For the time you spend to look after me
For the energies you spend to raise me
For the sweat you shed just to grow me
For the loves that you shower to me
For the cares that you give to me
For the worries that you have on me
For the attentions that you pay on me
For the dua' you make everyday for me
My apologies…
For did not understand your strictness
For did not appreciate your sacrifices
For did not know your loves
For did not thankful for your kindness
For never able to repay your greatness
For never able to return back your gentleness
For never able to give back your lovingness
For never able to present back your tenderness

Obeying you is a must
Looking after you is a trust
Helping you is an ibadah
Treating well on you is an amanah
Ridha Rabb fi ridha al-waalid
Wa sakhata Rabb fi sakhata al-waalid
The blesses of Allah is in your pleasure
The wrath of Allah is in your anger
You are the real superhero
Protects your loved one from any kinds of risky
You are the true epic warrior
Strongly fight the rivals for the safety of our family
You are the actual icon
Always show us the good example to be
I will always thank to Allah
For giving me a great man in my life
A man who should I called a hero
A truly Superhero…
You are the real superhero
Protects your loved one from any kinds of risky
You are the true epic warrior
Strongly fight the rivals for the safety of our family
You are the actual icon
Always show us the good example to be
I will always thank to Allah
For giving me a great man in my life
A man who should I called a hero
A truly Superhero…
Jazakallahu Khayrol Jaza' ila aabati haji Bahrin bin Giman- May Allah SWT bless your life in this world and in the hereafter and grant you the reward of al-jannah... aameen.
an-Nuri, 19 March 2012
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