Verily, my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death are for Allah SWT the Lord of the universe.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Are you Happy?

What does happy means to you?
Being able to be with your beloved?
Being able to get your dreams?
Being able to get lots of entertainment?

"Bila susah tiada gelisah, (in the time of difficulties, there are no worries)
bila miskin syukur pada Tuhan, (in the time of poor, always be thankful to God)
bila sakit tiada resah di jiwa, (in the time of sick, there are no restless in soul)
bukankah Tuhan telah berfirman (is not God has said)
ketahuilah dengan mengingati Allah (by the remembrance of Allah)
jiwa kan menjadi tenang (do hearts find rest)
Kebahagiaan itu suatu kesyukuran (happiness is a gratitude)
bila kaya jadi insan pemurah (in the time of rich, be generous)
bila berkuasa amanah (in the time of powerful, be trusted)
bila berjaya tidak alpa (in the time of success, don't be negligent)
bila sihat tidak lupakan Tuhan (in the time of healthy, never forget Him)
hakikatnya bahagia itu (the real fact of happiness)
adalah ketenangan (is the rest)
bila hati meningati Tuhan"(when hearts do remember Allah)

Song by: Hakikat Bahagia (UNIC)

Be grateful my friends! Be thankful to Allah! Only by thanking Him, you'll get the happiness in your life. ala bidhikirrillahi tatmainnal qulub...

anNuri 14/11/2011

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