I went back to Johor last semester break for a week. It was a great semester break when I was able to rest at home for a week after two months i didn't return back home and the most important thing; I’ve met my mak, abah and the beloved little caliphs. It was the happier moment when the home was loud with the voices of my nephews and nieces. They laughed, screamed, cried, fought, played, yelled, song, ran, caught, jumped, slept, ate, conquered the t.v. and many things they did together.

Looking at them was really fun even though I was mad so many times when they ignored my order to keep silent and keep the home clean and when they used my computer without my permission. Kids are honest, they will answer when we asked them. Even though they tried to hide something from us, we can trace it from their silence, facial expression and body gestures.

Kids are pure and clean, because they don’t understand the life, they only know enjoyable. They don’t think about family problem, or financial problem, environmental problem, or social problem, or state’s problem. That’s why kids love to play and play around and love the matters which entertain them very much because playing is part of learning for kids.

Kids, they have high sense of curiosity, that’s why they don’t fear to test something new and keep asking the adults very funny funny questions. Last but not least, kids are adorable and cute, that’s why I love them.

When they returned back to their homes, the house was so silent and there were no more voices of happiness, enjoyable and cuteness. How much I miss them… when they are not around.
ربّنا هب لنا من ازواجنا وذريّتنا قرّة أعين وجعلنا للمتّقين إماما
"Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and our offspring the comfort of our eyes, and make us leaders of the Muttaqun (the pious)"
nephews and nieces.when will i have one? =)
ReplyDeletelet me correct ur question! Kids... when will i have one?? :-D