Seeing is believing. That is the common belief of people. People believe on what they see. However, there are matters that we must believe without seeing it. Faith. We believe on Allah SWT without seeing Him, but, by seeing the creatures in this world as the signs of His existence. The unseen creatures, heaven, hellfire, angels, evils, bacteria, virus, all the unseen creatures that can’t be seen through our naked eyes, but we believe on their existence. The emotion and feeling like anger, happy, sad, frustrated, hope, trust, hate, hungry, thirsty, fear, all that we can’t see, but, we can feel it.
L.O.V.E. we can feel it, but we can’t see it. LOVE is a gift from Allah SWT towards all human being. LOVE is pure and clean when people didn’t misunderstand about it. LOVE is right, happiness and joyful when people didn’t misuse it. Why Allah SWT gives the sense of LOVE to all human? With LOVE, people will respect each other, people will protect each other, people will appreciate each other, people will know each other, people will help each other, people will trust each other, people will tolerate each other and people will have mercies among each other. And what will happen to this world, if human has no sense of LOVE? Without LOVE, people will kill each other, people will fight each other, people will oppress each other, people will violate each other, people will manipulate each other, people will cheat each other and people will revenge among each other.
People do love their parents, children, spouses, relatives, friends and colleagues. This is the purposes of human creation, to know and to love each other, to have mahabbah wa rahmah. Allah creates human being into diversity of tribes and clans as a sign of His Greatness and His Almighty but, still the best among people in His Sight are those who have most pious, at-taqwa. People also do love their wealth and properties, career, position, beauties, and many more worldly affairs. This kind of love can harm the people if they can’t control the evil whispers and desires, they will turn off from love to The Creator, the Messenger and the Din. People’s lusts and desires are endless and limitless. That’s why those who follow the evil’s whispers and their lusts and desires will not find the happiness in life because they only become thirstier looking for their interests in this world. This is the LOVE on WORLDLY AFFAIRS or HUBB AD-DUNYA who is the head of all the evilness. But, when people always be gratitude to Allah SWT on His blessings, they will get the happiness and joyful in this world and in the hereafter.
Absolutely, the highest stage of LOVE is the LOVE to Allah SWT, Prophet Muhammad SAW and jihad fi sabilillah more than anything else in this world. This is the love that will bring people to the happiness in life and gain the pleasant of al-jannah in the hereafter.
ربّنا ظلمنا أنفسنا وإن لم تغفرلنا وترحمنا لنكوننا من الخسرين
ربّنا لا تزغ قلوبنا بعد إذ هديتنا وهب لنا من لدنك رحمة إنك أنت الوهّاب
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