Mu‘allim …
Thank you for introduced me to A.B.C.
Thank you for introduced me to 1.2.3.
Thank you for introduced me to ا.ب.ت
Thank you for taught me to spell words
Thank you for taught me to count numbers
Thank you for taught me to write and read
Thank you for taught me to recite al-Quran & Hadith
The person who…
Educated me to be a good human being
Educated me to be a good Muslim
Disciplined me to have a good character
Disciplined me to have an ideal personality
Developed me to be a successful person
Developed me to be a great individual
May Allah SWT…
Rewards all of you with the best rewards
Grants all of you with kindness in this world and in the hereafter
Bestows all of you with al-jannah
Thank you…teacher.
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