There are times we feel empty inside
There are times we feel so stress
There are times we feel so depress
There are times we have too much worries
And there are times we have lots of uncertainties
There are days we feel lonely
There are days we feel guilty
There are days we feel messy
There are days we feel unhappy
And there are days we feel gloomy
Repent to Allah from all sins
Istighfar a lot to be soul clean
Seek forgiveness from Allah for what we forget
For all the past mistakes we did, we regret
Seek forgiveness from Allah for all wrong doing
Then, ask from Allah His blessings
Do as much as goodness
Forbid the evilness
Have strong faith in Allah and His Prophet steadfastly
Hold al-Quran in your life firmly
Enliven the Prophet Sunnah
To be a great ummah
Practices ad-deen everyday
May happiness will be yours always
O Allah!
I do not deserve for Your blessings of Jannah
Nor I have the strength to withstand Your torment of hellfire
Thus, Accept my Tawbah and grant me forgiveness for all my sins
Verily You are the Forgiver of great sins
الهي لست للفردوس اهلا
ولا أقوى على نار الجحيم
فهب لي توبة واغفر ذنوبي
فإنك غافر الذنب العظيم
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