Verily, my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death are for Allah SWT the Lord of the universe.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

~Vote for Me~

Vote for Me!!! Vote for Me!!! Here and there, I can see the posters, banners and pamphletes are hanging around the campus... What are these? Owh... the students' campaign begins. SRC (Students Representative Council) General Election will be held tomorrow. I can see the candidates campaigning and promoting their manifestoes to attract students to vote for them. It reminds me my first time to vote for SRC General Election. How i was so exciting to vote the candidates. In our campus, we used e-vote system rather than manual vote. It is easier, faster and more accurate.

Actually, there were lots of funny story about Campus Election. On the Election Day, we will see the candidates met the students, introduced themselves, be nice to everyone, shook hand, gave the voters gifts and accompanied by their supporters to promote them to voters. Students will choose their candidates based on their appearance, popularity, quality, talent, responsibility, leadership, objective, party, trademark and manifesto. Still remember, fatin my ex-roommate chose the candidate who took care the foods qualities at cafetaria because most foods sold at cafeteria were spicy and hot and she couldn't take too much spicy foods.

That was the past story 5, 6 years long time ago. I just can watch and smile looking at them campaigning and voting for their representatives since i don't have the chance to vote for them. Yes, we didn't vote for them because PG students have our own PG Students Society who will organize programmes and activities for PG students. But then, what happened to PGSS Election Day? Hahaha... PGSS candidates always win uncontested. The contestants have no worries at all. Once you nominated your name as the candidates, you will win and get the position in PGSS.

I remembered during my first year PG study, they announced that PG students need to vote for General Election. Since the class begin at 5pm, i decided to come for voting at 4pm since the election will be held until 5pm. But then, when i was about to step out from my room, i received call from my classmate Sherry. Sherry asked me"Ida, where is the venue for voting?" I replied "Experimental Hall." Sherry told me, "I am at Experimental Hall now, but nobody is here. Are you sure the venue is at Experimental Hall?" ''Yes, I'm really sure. But, maybe they change the venue or could you please look at the door, is there any notice telling us the new venue " I answered. Sherry later replied to me, "Wait, I see something at the door!". "PGSS ELECTION HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO POOR ATTENDANCE" Sherry read the notice at the door loudly without mistake. I was laughing just after i heard the notice, but Sherry of course she dissatisfied with the news that she just received. That's the funny story about PGSS Election, and we never vote for PGSS Election after that. (TT_TT)

Friday, February 18, 2011

-مولد الرسول-

Last week, I had a mass lecture for study circle subject or known as halaqah. I asked the students to write a poem dedicated to our Prophet SAW, since we celebrated ‘Mawlidur Rasul’ just few days ago. Then, the students came up with a good poem. I attached the poem in this blog which I had edited and put some revision. Anyway, thank you for the cooperation given during class. I know that all of you can do it!!!

(Credited to: Members of Study Circle II, Sem II. 2010/2011, Sect. 65, 66, 67)

Sollallahu ‘ala Muhammad, Sollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam
Ya Rasulallah!

On the bright dawn of 12 Rabiul Awwal
You were born to this world
You are al-Mustoffa
You are Rasulullah
You are qudwatun hasanah
You were sent down to be the Rahmatan lil ‘alameen

You are al-mu‘allim
You have a great personality
You enlightened the darkness of human life
You awakened the human from asleep
You guided the human to the right path
You preserved human rights and dignity
You taught us how to be a good father,
A good husband, a good Muslim

Your akhlaq is kareem
Your akhlaq is al-Qur’an
You are Habeeballah
You sacrificed so much to convey the message of Islam
You were ignored
You were hatred
You were slandered
You were thrown with stones
You were hurt with thorns
Neither once you angry nor revenge
Neither once you gave up nor weak

When the time to migrate to al-Madeenah
You were chased and threatened by al-Musyrikuun
You continued your hijrah
Accompanied by the faithful Companion as-Siddiq
Witnessed by the Cave at-Thur
Neither you sad nor fear
Because you knew that Allah is there to protect you
La Tahzan! Inna Allaha ma‘ana

You left to your ummah the most precious things
We won’t leave astray
As long as we hold firmly
As long as we practice consistently
As long as we remind each other continuously
The Kalam of Allah and Your Sunnah
The guidance of life for al-Muttaqun
You have a strong love for the ummah
You have a great care for the ummah
You have lots of remembrance for the ummah
Until the end of your time
“Ummati, ummati, ummati”

O Allah!
Help us to follow the footsteps of Your Prophet
Help us to enliven the Sunnah of Your Messenger
Help us to convey the message of Islam
Help us to gain the Shafa‘ah of Your Rasul
Help us to be together with Your Beloved
In Your Eternal Garden with bliss and pleasant
Sollallahu ‘ala Muhammad Sollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam

Sunday, February 13, 2011

~my little caliphs~

I went back to Johor last semester break for a week. It was a great semester break when I was able to rest at home for a week after two months i didn't return back home and the most important thing; I’ve met my mak, abah and the beloved little caliphs. It was the happier moment when the home was loud with the voices of my nephews and nieces. They laughed, screamed, cried, fought, played, yelled, song, ran, caught, jumped, slept, ate, conquered the t.v. and many things they did together.
Looking at them was really fun even though I was mad so many times when they ignored my order to keep silent and keep the home clean and when they used my computer without my permission. Kids are honest, they will answer when we asked them. Even though they tried to hide something from us, we can trace it from their silence, facial expression and body gestures.
Kids are pure and clean, because they don’t understand the life, they only know enjoyable. They don’t think about family problem, or financial problem, environmental problem, or social problem, or state’s problem. That’s why kids love to play and play around and love the matters which entertain them very much because playing is part of learning for kids.
Kids, they have high sense of curiosity, that’s why they don’t fear to test something new and keep asking the adults very funny funny questions. Last but not least, kids are adorable and cute, that’s why I love them. When they returned back to their homes, the house was so silent and there were no more voices of happiness, enjoyable and cuteness. How much I miss them… when they are not around.

ربّنا هب لنا من ازواجنا وذريّتنا قرّة أعين وجعلنا للمتّقين إماما
"Our Lord! Bestow on us from our wives and our offspring the comfort of our eyes, and make us leaders of the Muttaqun (the pious)"