I'm the seeker of knowledge. That's the meaning of 'ana tilmizah'. I like the meaning of ana tilmizah, since i'm a student. Knowledge is something precious in our life. Without knowledge, we will be under developed, we will be at the back, we will be far from other people.
Seeking knowledge ia an obligation in Islam, in which Prophet SAW said: Seeking knowledge is a compulsory for all Muslim and Muslimah. Islam encourages the seeking of knowledge especially the knowledge of adDin, religious knowledge which based on revelation. But, that doesn't mean we should neglect the knowledge of modern science. Every knowledge which is good for our lives can be obtained through the process of learning. The process of learning will not only take part by attending classes or lectures, but part of our lives also are spent for learning process. Life Experience is part of knowledge for those who wants to think and take it as a knowledge. Since our childhood, we were grown up with full of learning process. How to handle and manage ourselves, how to read, how to write, and so on. While we are in adulthood, we learn how to cook, how to solve the problem, how to handle the job at work place, even until we become ages, we will learn something which we are not able to get it when we were young. So, there is no limit ages for seeking knowledge. As Prophet SAW said: Seek the knowledge since you're in the cradle until you'll be in the graveyard. That's why i believe, knowledge is a precious treasures which will be the jariah (our saver/treasure) in the hereafter in condition we conveyed or used the knowledge for the profits of other people. Otherwise, the treasure that we get doesn't give anything to us and other people like a tree without fruits which doesn't give profit to the owner.
Rabbi zidni 'ilman nafiaa... O my Lord, bestows upon me the profit/good knowledge
Words of the day: al-'ilm bi la 'amal, kasshajar bi la thamar; knowledge without practice, like trees without fruits.
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