Love is a subjective matter which very connected to the people's heart and feeling.... the phrase " i love you, uhibbuk, wo ai ni " are very common to be used by the people who are in love... love is something which we feel warm, easy, happy, joy, mercy, and pure inside the heart... we love the people who loved us, our parents, our siblings, our relatives, our friends, our spouses... we love them because they loved us, they care for us... but, how about our love to our Creator, the Most Gracious Most Merciful to all His creatures? do we love our Creator more than we love all of the people surround us?
love is something nature (fitrah) for human... to love and to be loved... Allah S.W.T. bestows upon all human the feeling of love and mercy. Animals also have love and mercy in their life, in which they love, protect and care their offsprings from dangers... in nature, a child loves the mother more than anyone else because the mother love the child at most... but, we forgot that, Allah S.W.T. loves us more than mothers love their children. Allah S.W.T. has bestowed upon all of us the countless rizq, ni'mah, rahmah and mercy... either we obey or disobey towards His commands, He keeps in showering His countless mercy upon us... He is al-Rahman, He is al-Rahim...
La ilaha illa Anta, Subhanaka inni kuntu minal al-zhalimin. There is no God Except You Allah, all praises be with You, indeed i am included in the group of injustice people... faghfirli, fainnahu la yaghfiru dhunaba, illa Anta. Thus, forgives my mistakes o Allah, indeed there is no one who can forgive the mistakes, except You Allah!!!
O Allah! Help us in seeking Your Love, help us in grabbing Your Forgiveness and help us in gaining Your Ridha... Ameen...